Plastic Wax houses its own motion capture studio, which is able to capture and livestream mocap data in Realtime using the latest in technology. This allows us to accelerate the early stages of previz into animation, giving more time to develop and refine the end result. Combine this with world-class talent, purpose-built stunt rigs and scaffolding that our team custom make for every shoot, we can cater to any performance required.
With our Remote Directing capabilities we can provide the same 1-on-1 service to our international clients -
so no matter where you are in the world, you can be right in the middle of the action
Full Body Motion Capture / Facial Motion Capture / Photogrammetry / Realtime / Rigging / Retargeting /
Prop & Set Building / Actors / Specialized Performers /
Stunt Crew / Performance Directing & Choreography /
Armorers & Weapons Experts / Remote Directing / Previsualization / Pipeline Consultation /
Capture Consultation / 1st Pass Animation / Onsite Engineers / Onsite Production / +++
Please contact us for reservations and our list of services on offer.
Dry hire of the mocap stage is also available.